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esp32:esp32_main [2020/11/17 15:40]
admin [Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board]
esp32:esp32_main [2020/11/17 15:43]
admin [DAC and ADC]
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 ===== DAC and ADC ===== ===== DAC and ADC =====
-==== DAC ====+**ADC**\\ 
 The ESP32 has two DAC pins, GPIO25 and GPIO26. The resolution is 8 bits.\\ The ESP32 has two DAC pins, GPIO25 and GPIO26. The resolution is 8 bits.\\
    dacWrite(25, Value); // 255=3.3V 128=1.65V 0=0.0V    dacWrite(25, Value); // 255=3.3V 128=1.65V 0=0.0V
 +To make sine wave one finds a good manual here: [[https://www.xtronical.com/basics/audio/dacs-on-esp32/|DAC’s on ESP32]]\\
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