===== Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft ===== {{:cnc:froehlichwissenschaft_aufbau_01.jpg?600|}}\\ The installation [[http://anklam-henninger.de/|Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft]] by Thomas Henninger and Axel Anklam in cooperation with Wolfgang Spahn is running in the conference room at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Berlin since 2014.\\ It's a giant CNC chalk drawing machine that is capable to draw, to erase the drawings and pick up new drawing chalks.\\ The controlling system is based on a Python program that runs on a Raspberry Pi that controls a Paper Duino Pi (Arduino) with three stepper motors and two gear motors.\\ An other Arduino is for the chalk control. The chalk control is activated with a Reed Relais.\\ All controlling systems, the hard - and software was designed and made by Wolfgang Spahn 2014.\\ ---- ==== Software ==== Here is the code for a CNC control system of the installation:\\ * {{ :cnc:froehliche_wissenschaft_main.zip |}} * {{ :cnc:helpprograms.zip |}} * {{ :cnc:kreidespender_10.zip |}} * {{ :cnc:plotter_control_85.zip |}} * {{ :cnc:manual.zip |}} {{:cnc:froehlichwissenschaft_aufbau_02.jpg?400|}}\\ ==== Hardware ==== The controlling is done with:\\ * a [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/|Raspberry Pi B+]] * an [[https://www.arduino.cc/|Arduino Uno]] and the following Paper Boards:\\ * a [[https://paperpcb.dernulleffekt.de/doku.php?id=raspberry_boards:paperduinopi|Paper Duino Pi]] * three [[https://paperpcb.dernulleffekt.de/doku.php?id=arduino_boards:stepper_motor_board|Stepper-Motor-Board]] * two [[https://paperpcb.dernulleffekt.de/doku.php?id=arduino_boards:motor_control_board|Motor Control Board]] ---- ==== License ==== The Paper Duino Pim the Motor Control Board and the Stepper-Motor-Board are designed by **Wolfgang Spahn** 2012-14\\ \\ All programs are written by **Wolfgang Spahn** 2014.\\ \\ They are licensed under a [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/"|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]]. Creative Commons License ----