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Beats per Machine

27.-29.November 2017

More than 100 years ago futurist Luigi Rosollo in his manifest “The Art of Noises” classified the sounds of noise using six groups:

  • 1. Roars, Thunderings, Explosions, Hissing roars, Bangs, Booms
  • 2. Whistling, Hissing, Puffing
  • 3. Whispers, Murmurs, Mumbling, Muttering, Gurgling
  • 4. Noises obtained by beating on metals, woods, skins, stones, pottery, etc.
  • 5. Voices of animals and people, Shouts, Screams, Shrieks, Wails, Hoots, Howls, Death rattles, Sobs
  • 6. Screeching, Creaking, Rustling, Buzzing, Crackling, Scraping

The sonic lab takes Rosollo's approach as a starting point to explore sound and noise. We'll create a sound machine based on analogue electronics that is supposed to cover the whole spectrum of noise represented in these six groups. This sound machine will enable us to produce these sounds and it's various patterns and rhythms.

By using motors and machines, analogue synthesizers, pick ups and wave shaping circuits we will enlarge and enrich the field of sound and noise, while Raspberry Pis will provide a flexible digital system that enables us to control these sounds.

Finally, the sound machine will be presented at the PrinmaVeraHack Festival in December 2017.