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cnc:froehliche_wissenschaft [2020/02/14 17:00]
admin [Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft]
cnc:froehliche_wissenschaft [2020/02/14 17:00]
admin [Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft]
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 It's a giant CNC chalk drawing machine that is capable to draw, to erase the drawings and pick up new drawing chalks.\\ It's a giant CNC chalk drawing machine that is capable to draw, to erase the drawings and pick up new drawing chalks.\\
 The controlling system is based on a Python program that runs on a Raspberry Pi that controls a Paper Duino Pi (Arduino) with three stepper motors and two gear motors.\\ The controlling system is based on a Python program that runs on a Raspberry Pi that controls a Paper Duino Pi (Arduino) with three stepper motors and two gear motors.\\
 An other Arduino is for the chalk control. The chalk control is activated with a Reed Relais.\\ An other Arduino is for the chalk control. The chalk control is activated with a Reed Relais.\\