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Digital Analog Converter - MCP4802/22

The MCP4802 is a dual 8-Bit Digital Analog Converter with SPI interface. The MCP4822 is the 12-Bit version.

MCP4802/22 datasheet

WiringPi and the MCP 4802

To connect the MCP 4802 to the Raspberry Pi connect the SPI pins of the MCP4802 like that:

 MCP4802       Raspberry Pi
  VDD           5V
  VREF          5V
  AGND          GND
  DGND          GND
  CLK           SCLK
  DOUT          MISO
  DIN           MOSI
  CS/SHDN       CE1

Before using the Wiring object enable the SPI interface in:

 $ sudo raspi-config