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raspberrypipico:raspberrypipico [2021/03/11 19:16]
admin [Programmable I/O]
raspberrypipico:raspberrypipico [2021/03/12 13:21]
admin [Programmable I/O]
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 ---- ----
 ==== Programmable I/O ==== ==== Programmable I/O ====
-The RP Pico has eight state machines (0-7) including these parameters:\\ +[[raspberrypipico:pico_pio|Programmable I/O]]\\
-- state machine number\\ +
-- PIO program\\ +
-- frequency (between 2000 and 125000000)\\ +
-- GPIO pin\\ +
-These mini programs run on the PIO state machines and run continuously.\\ +
- +
-  from rp2 import PIO, StateMachine, asm_pio +
-  from machine import Pin +
-  import utime +
-   +
-  led_onboard = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT) +
-  led_onboard.value(1) +
-  utime.sleep(2) +
-  led_onboard.value(0) +
-   +
-  @asm_pio(set_init=PIO.OUT_LOW) +
-  def faint_led(): +
-    set(pins, 0) [20] +
-    set(pins, 1) +
-   +
-  sm1 = StateMachine(1, faint_led, freq=10000, set_base=Pin(25)) +
-   +
-  while(True): +
-    sm1.active(1) +
-    utime.sleep(1) +
-    sm1.active(0) +
-    utime.sleep(1) +
- +
-The commands set(pins, 0) and set(pins, 1) turns the GPIO pin on and off.\\ +
-In square brackets are numbers between 1 and 31 to pause this clock cycles\\ +
-The @asm_pio descriptor above the function takes the set_init parameters.\\ +
-To start and stop the state machine use the active method (1 or 0)\\ +
- +
-==The Nine State Machine Instructions== +
-  * in – Shifts 1 word of 32 bits at a time into the ISR from another location +
-  * out – Shifts 1 word of 32 bits from the OSR e.g. out(pins, 4) +
-  * push – Sends data to the RX (input) FIFO +
-  * pull() – gets data from the TX (output),e.g. sm1.put(1234) +
-  * mov() – moves data x or y in register, e.g. mov(y, osr) osr=output shift register +
-  * irq – Sets or clears interrupt flag e.g. irq(rel(0)) in python: sm.irq(myFunction) +
-  * set() [] – Writes data to destination, 0=off, 1=on, delays 0 to 31 circles +
-  * wait – Pauses until a defined action happens +
-  * label("mylabel") and jmp (condition,"label") – Jumps to a different point in the code +
-==Some more Instructions== +
-- nop () [] - no operations, delays 0 to 31 circles\\ +
-- wrap_target() and wrap () - resets program counter and starts over again\\ +
-- lable() - sts a lable label("end")\\ +
-- jmp () - jumps conditions:\\ +
- _ jump if zero: jmp(not_x, "end")\\ +
- _ shift the register, jump if not exhausted: jmp(not_osre, "lable1")\\ +
- _ decrements, jump if not zero: jmp(x_dec,"label2")\\ +
- +
-Example by [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ4JjeCLuaITinker Tech Trove +
-]] and on [[https://github.com/tinkertechtrove/pico-pi-playing/tree/main/pio-steppers|Github]]\\ +
- +
-[[https://datasheets.raspberrypi.org/rp2040/rp2040-datasheet.pdf|RP2040 Datasheet]], Chapter 30, page 330 following\\ +
- +
-[[https://www.seeedstudio.com/blog/2021/01/25/programmable-io-with-raspberry-pi-pico/|Seeedstudio: Programmable I/O with Raspberry Pi Pico by Jonathan Tan]]\\+
 ---- ----