===== Paper PCB Frames ===== These Paper PCB Frames are part of the [[frames:mainframes|Frames & Bottom Plates]], they could be used for all kind of [[http://paperpcb.dernulleffekt.de/doku.php?id=main|Paper PCBs]]. It will help to protect the back and the sides of the boards to prevent short circuits.\\ This is an example how a frame for the [[http://paperpcb.dernulleffekt.de/doku.php?id=vga_synthesizer:vga_sound_blender| VGA & Sound Blender]] looks like:\\ {{:frames:video_sound_blender_08-47-08.jpg?400|}}\\ For attaching the Paper PCB Frame to the board one needs a 2.5M 4mm screw.\\ {{:frames:paper-pcb_frame_1-3_03.png?600|}}\\ Frames for the Paper Bits one find here: [[frames:frames_paper_bits|Frames for Paper Bits]].\\ ==== STL Files ==== Most Paper PCB Frames are designed for 1/3rd and 1/6th of a 10cm by 16cm copper stripe board like they are usually used for the Paper PCB design.\\ ** 1/3 of a copper stripe board:**\\ {{ :frames:paper-pcb_frame_1-3_03.stl.zip |}}\\ ** 1/6 of a copper stripe board:**\\ {{ :frames:paper-pcb_frame_1-6_02.stl.zip |}}\\ ** Miscellaneous:**\\ {{ :frames:vga_sound_blender_frame_10.zip |VGA & Sound Blender Frame}} ---- ==== License ==== These 3D-objects are designed by **Wolfgang Spahn** 2016-20.\\ They are licensed under a [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/"|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]]. Creative Commons License ----