- Spahn Feistkorn
- U.F.O. Yashas Shetty & Wolfgang Spahn
- Maailmankaikkeus
D.Eggermann, A.Pussinen and W.Spahn, 2018
- Symbolic Grounding
Ch.Faubel and W.Spahn, 2018
- Beats per Machine
collective work lead by W.Spahn, 2017
- Embedded Artist
M.Steiner and W.Spahn, 2014-16
- Monitored Artwork M.Steiner and W.Spahn, 2015
- Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft
T.Henninger and A.Anklam in cooperation with W.Spahn, 2014
- Liquid State Machine M.Howse and W.Spahn, 2011-12
- Molecule
J.Hoffman and W.Spahn, 2010
- Spiel-Tisch T.Gerwin and W.Spahn 2010
- augen-auf-schlag T.Gerwin and W.Spahn 2008