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seeeduino:seeeduino_xiao [2020/12/28 23:16]
admin [Reset & Bootloader Mode]
seeeduino:seeeduino_xiao [2020/12/29 15:42] (current)
admin [Seeeduino XIAO]
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 To use the DAC and the PWM follow the manual of the  To use the DAC and the PWM follow the manual of the 
 [[http://dernulleffekt.de/doku.php?id=arduino:arduino_mkrzero#dac_pwms|Arduino MKR Zero]].\\ [[http://dernulleffekt.de/doku.php?id=arduino:arduino_mkrzero#dac_pwms|Arduino MKR Zero]].\\
 +A great description and general information about the SAMD21 one could find here: [[https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/samd21-minidev-breakout-hookup-guide/samd21-overview|SpartkFun SAMD21 Overview]]\\
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