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Arduino MKR ZERO
Arduino MKR ZERO (I2S bus & SD for sound, music & digital audio data)
On Arch Linux it needs more than one attempt to upload the code, the /dev/ttyACM0 can't be opened: No device found on ttyACM0!
First one has to install the Arduino SAMD boards. In tools/boardmanager search and install the
Arduino SAMD Boards.
Secondly we need the specific Zero libraries. In sketch/library manager search and install the
Audiozero Library and the
SD Library (by Sparkfun).
Arduino SD library by Sparkfun
Arduino SD Library by Adafruit
Simple Audio Player
In open/libraries/ArduinZero one finds the SimpleAudioPlayerZero example.
These commands are needed:
SD.begin(28); //Initializes the SD library and card AudioZero.begin(2*44100); //Initializes the DAC, 44100kHz stereo => 88200 sample rate File myFile ="test.wav"); // open the wave file; //plays the file
Simple audio player
The quality of the WAV file needs to be 44100kHz stereo and decoded with 8-bit unsigned PCM.
The audio signal is on pin DAC0/A0.
Some bugs are in the original code!
- one needs a short delay after Serial.begin
- the SD-card pin is 28
here is the fixed code:
Unfortunately there is quite some bad humming after playing a file.
The MKR ZERO board need around half a second after initializing the serial port, so one has to pause the board before using any serial command.
Serial.begin(115200); delay(500);
Pin Out
4 PWM pins
they can be changed from default 8-bit to 12-bit resolution.
1 Digital-to-Analog Converter
10-bit (1024 values) by default, setting the resolution to 12 bits, one can use values between 0 and 4095 for analogWrite().
analogWriteResolution(bits); analogWrite(pin,value);
video from ForceTronics - Arduino Zero DAC Overview and Waveform Generator Example
Li-Po Battery
Use a Li-Po battery bigger than 700mAh
Connector: SHR-05V-S-B
It just provides 5V power!
To connect Adafruit's STEMMA boards or Sparkfun Qwiic boards (!if the run on 5V!) one needs an adapter like that one:
JST SH connector 5-pin (Arduino MKR) to 4-pin (STEMMA QT / Qwiic Cable)
More information one can find in Ben Everard article “Qwiic, STEMMA QT,
and Grove” HackSpace (Issue 38, 2020, p72)
This manuals is made by Wolfgang Spahn 2020.
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