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Pure Data on Raspberry Pi

Pure Data is an open source visual programming language for sound written by Miller Puckette.
Raspberry Pi is a small ARM based computer board.

Pure Data can be downloaded from here: and for learning Pure Data one can find some manuals here: and

Here are some workarounds for interfacing with the GPIOs or an Arduino in Pure Data running on a Raspberry Pi:
- Wiring Pi (GPIO and MCP3008)
- Pduino

And a how to auto start:
- Autostart with the Desktop
- Autostart without the Desktop

These Paper Pi Hats work nice and work with Pure Data:
- Raspi-PD Control Hat
- Raspi-Sonic-Hat

And here are some workaround for other sound cards:
- Audio Injector
- PiFi Sound Card

And all the GPIOs:

graphic by, 2015
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE\\


These boards and manuals are made and designed by Wolfgang Spahn 2018-20.
They are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License